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The lasting legacy of a lost craftsmanship

Kroko is a Swiss brand with deep roots in history, the first brand in the world to have created combs in their modern conception. This brand is not just a name, but a precious legacy, a heritage of stories and values ​​that are handed down over time, from generation to generation. It is testimony to a tenacity and passion that have been able to overcome every obstacle, emerging ever stronger and more vital. Each product of this brand embodies the echo of time, the wisdom of expert hands and the attention to refined details. It is an object that not only fulfills its function, but which becomes a real jewel, a piece of history to be jealously guarded. A living language, spoken in the language of tools and materials.

Historical Reference

“Das Schweizerische Kamm-Museum Mümliswil”

von Bruno Saner*


Der in Jahre 1759 geborene Urs Joseph Walter wuchs in sehr bescheidenen Verhältnissen auf.

Im Jahre 1781 kehrte er über den Gemmipass ins Guldental züruck.

Erst im Jahre 1792 konnte er für seine Familie, die inzwischen auf 11 Personen angewachsen war, im Dorf ein Wohnhaus mit einer Werrkstatt erbauen. Zwei herangewachsene Söhne halfen nun kräftig mit, und so gedieh der Familienbetrieb. Vorerst wurden nur gewöhnliche Kämme, sogenante “Richter” hergesstellt. Nach un nach verlegte er sich auch auf die Anfertigung moderner FrauenKämme zum Aufstecken der Haare.


* Bruno Saner (1928-1993) ist ein Schweizer Historiker.

Lehrer in Mümliswil seit 1948, war kulturell vielseitig tätig: als Dirigent, Regisseur, Verfässer verschiedener Spiele und historischer Darstellungen, vorab der Schulgeschichte von Mümliswil and Ramiswil un von Vereinsgeschichten.

“The Swiss Comb Museum Mümliswil”

by Bruno Saner*


Urs Joseph Walter, born in 1759, grew up in very modest circumstances.

In 1781 he returned to the Guldental via the Gemmi Pass.

It was not until 1792 that he was able to build a house with a workshop in the village for his family, which had now grown to 11 people. Two grown sons now helped a lot and the family business prospered. At first only ordinary combs, so-called “Judges”, were produced. He gradually shifted his focus to making modern women's combs for attaching hair.


* Bruno Saner (1928-1993) is a Swiss historian.

Teacher in Mümliswil since 1948, was culturally active in a variety of ways: as a conductor, director, author of various games and historical representations, especially the school history of Mümliswil and Ramiswil and club histories.

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